More Snow Fun after a sunny vacation to Disneyland.
We finished the winter off with the ice park, snow machining (and notice I didn't say snowmobiling)? Well, I learned that if you live in Alaska you don't say snowmobiling, because then they will know you aren't from around here. You have to say snow machining so they don't make fun of you.
We had Rocco's 2nd birthday, the theme was GUNS! I wish I had a picture of all his guns, but literally that's all he got. He was in heaven.
To cheer spring on we celebrated Cici's 4th birthday Princess style. She loves dresses and ANYTHING princesses!
Another different thing about Alaska is that spring and the melting snow is called "break up"
This is literally watching the ice break from rivers, lakes, roads, driveways, parking lots etc. They even have bets on when the "break up" is happening. On one river called the Nenana they have a pyramid stand on the ice and bets are placed to the month, day and time on when it will fall through the ice.
Lots of time spent at the children's museum. I have desperately missed the museums back east. They were so much fun for us to explore. Our children's museum is small, we're talking two rooms, but the kids do have a lot of fun there. This might be their favorite thing to do there.
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