Baby Love

If you told me 12 years ago that I could love someone as much as I love Ernie I would have told you that it's not even possible.  While that love is completely different I am just in love with my lil guy Roman, and love him more and more every day

My sweet little boy is all grown up and not so little anymore.  Roman is five and I can't even believe that we have 5 yr old.  Some days it seems like just yesterday that Roman and I were snuggling in the morning by ourselves and falling back asleep for the morning nap.  I can't wrap my head around the fact that he will never be little again and will only get bigger.  It kind of breaks my heart thinking that he won't be my little buddy forever (hopefully he will at least be my buddy as he gets older).

He is still the sweetest, kindest tender-toe I have met.  He is so smart and funny and is always cracking jokes.  He is also my little dare devil and is willing to try anything.  He is such a good big brother and helps me out A TON.  He is goofy and hilarious, and so silly and generally a FUN FUN kid.  He is always so happy and sweet and is concerned for others.  I love him more and more everyday and couldn't imagine my life without him.  He has truly made my dreams come true and has given me the best gift in the world which is being a mom.  I'm blessed to be in his life!  Love you sweet baby....yes, you will always be my baby!
